Author of Dirty Pictures

Patricia Ketola was born in North Dakota and brought up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She studied cultural anthropology and art history. An adventurous sort, she traveled the world and experienced many different cultures and personalities.

Landing in New York City, Patricia became a middle manager in a financial services operation. On the side, she moonlighted in an art gallery and became involved in the fine arts and antiquities trade. Later, she moved to the mountains of Colorado and worked on a mushroom farm.

Dirty Pictures is Patricia Ketola’s first novel. Her insight into Roma culture comes from people who shared their first-hand knowledge of this misunderstood and persecuted group.

She currently lives in Minneapolis and is working on her third novel. Her second novel, Gods of the New World, is to be published by Betimes Books.

Praise for Patricia Ketola

Dirty Pictures heralds the arrival of a clever, gutsy new voice that fearlessly swings for the fences.”  —Craig McDonald

“Patricia Ketola’s debut novel, Dirty Pictures, is poetic at times, sad, humorous, gripping, joyful, thrilling, and hopeful. A thoroughly captivating tale, rich in atmosphere, that is near impossible to put down. […] Patricia Ketola is a daring new literary voice, and Dirty Pictures is the beginning of a truly significant career.” —Marvin Minkler, Modern First Editions

“As a love story it is unsentimental, as a thriller it’s intriguing. If the fact that it doesn’t fit nicely into a specific box puts you off you will miss out. […] If you are in the mood for something different, this may be it. The world isn’t always neat and tidy, neither is Ketola’s vision.” —Paul Burke, NB Magazine

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