‘This is a nerve-jangling, urgent, brilliantly-paced novel. I read it quickly – I had to. I had to know what was going to happen, and I had to admire the craft and flair that went into its writing.’



We believe that works of fiction can provide a unique insight into the unprecedented anthropogenic changes and the resulting challenges that we all, as humans, face in the next decades.

They are a powerful tool in increasing awareness and prompting much needed societal changes, because fiction has the power to touch our emotions and appeal to our hearts as well as to our brains.


Writers have been trying to understand war and violence for as long as literature exists. Turning war horrors into a narrative is an attempt to make sense of often senseless violence. Rendering the human experience of war through characters that readers come to care about is an attempt, perhaps delusional, to exercise influence on human behaviour. If we learn and remember, would we make the same mistakes?


Writers like Edgar Alan Poe, Dashiell Hammett, or Georges Simenon gave to the crime genre its lettres de noblesse. Literary Noir enriched American and European Modernism, brought into light issues of racial, sexual, and economic inequality, and reflected the impact of Freudian psychoanalysis on literary form. Beyond purely escapist entertainment, the best works of crime fiction are among the finest examples of the art and craft of writing, addressing genuine social and aesthetic problems.


It is a journey that we all make: from childhood through adolescence to adulthood and, for some of us, from naïve to wise, and from immature to mature. Stories of “formation”, from the German “Bildungsroman”, novels of growth and development (“Entwicklungsroman”), coming-of-age novels are also stories of loss—starting with the loss of innocence, painful realisations, and (self)-discovery.


Good books have the capacity to transport us in space and time. Our authors make you travel from 18th-century Spain to 21st-century Japan via 1970s Indonesia. But for this category, we selected the books that would make you want to be there or maybe even long to be there…


While the novels in this selection are very different, they meet the expected standards for literary art, appeal, longevity, and influence and deserve lasting recognition. They have the universal appeal of a classic; they are informed by the history of ideas and literature and will no doubt stand the test of time and inspire writers who will come afterwards.


Novels by Irish writers about Ireland, the land of storytellers, its people, its history, and its present.


Contemporary or historical, written by men or by women, these novels have in common strong, original, appealing, complex and sometimes controversial female characters.


Recent releases and novels coming out in 2024.


In the heart of our literary haven, each book is a unique thread in the rich tapestry of tales we’ve carefully curated. Our authors, diverse in voice and vision, share a common thread of exceptional storytelling that resonates with readers across the globe.

From the historical depth of Catherine Dunne’s ‘A Good Enough Mother’, which offers an intricate exploration of Irish womanhood across generations, to the heart-pounding thrillers that keep you up at night, our collection celebrates the written word in all its forms.

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