Permanent Fatal Error

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Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9926552-6-6 / E-book ASIN: B00KBW88KQ

A long-missing novelist, a string of murders and a new brand of heroine fire Permanent Fatal Error, a sexy, Hitchcockian literary thriller.

Everett Hyde: Cult-writer extraordinaire, once regarded as the voice of his generation; an author in the reclusive tradition of J.D. Salinger and Thomas Pynchon but now presumed dead.

Chase Alger: Award-wining biographer specializing in studies of famous people—writers all—who’ve come to mysterious ends. Chase is a self-made man with his own ambiguous past.

When Chase receives an invitation from Everett Hyde’s widow, a disarming offer to write her husband’s sanctioned biography, sinister things begin happening around the would-be biographer.

Chase’s initial replies to Mrs. Hyde’s emails are swiftly returned, marked “Permanent Fatal Error.” Further inquiries after Hyde are first met with stonewalls, then menacing phone calls and emailed death threats. But the hook is set, and Chase, along with his lover, Ashley, an aspiring young novelist, agrees to be taken under extreme security to the remote estate of the mysterious author’s equally reclusive daughter, Shelby Hyde…

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About Hadley Colt

Hadley Colt and Craig McDonald in a conversation about the challenges of writing about writers

“There’s a real warmth to the writing which implies that, while the author is undoubtedly having fun with some very clever plotting, he/she cares about the underlying themes, particularly the responsibility of all writers to write about what matters. This book is, first and foremost, written by an author who loves writing.” —Sheila Bugler

“An insight into the mind of a Writer that not only other writers but also every thoughtful reader would find fascinating.” —, Reader’s review